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Fireworks for the Fourth of July can be frightening for pets. Plan ahead for Fourth of July festivities. /

The Fourth of July means fireworks, friends and barbecues. For pets, it can lead to a day of stress and overeating. The Fourth of July is filled with fun things to do. Friends visit for a day of hamburgers and night of fireworks. It is a time to celebrate not only the birth of our nation, but time with friends and family.

Pets, dogs and cats in particular, might not find all the excitement so much fun. The PetSmart website offers a list of festive traditions that are fun for humans, but might not be so thrilling to pets.

PetSmart refers to a report from Pet Amber Alert that there is a 30 to 60 percent increase in lost pets in the United States on the Fourth of July. The report adds that July 5 is one of the busiest days at animal shelters. Here is how some of the festivities for Fourth of July might affect your pets.

Parties:  Inviting friends and family for a day of celebrating is part of the Fourth of July traditions. But parties lead to big crowds of people. Pets might not feel so comfortable with so many people walking around their house. New people can lead to confusion and stress for your pets. Loud music and conversation can also lead to the confusion and anxiety. Consider the number of people to invite to a party and try to include some familiar faces.

Barbecues: Hot dogs and hamburger are yummy treats for people. But they might not be the best choice for pets. There are plenty of foods at barbecues that might not be good for pets. Bones, onions, avocados and grapes are common foods at barbecues. Remind your guests not to feed your pets. It can lead to digestive problems or even be toxic to them.

Fireworks: Bright, bursting lights in the sky are a treat to human eyes, but they might be a threat to your pets’ eyes. Instead of taking your pet to the park to watch the fireworks, leave them at home, in the quiet, cool, empty house. It will give your pet a break from all the excitement and it will give you a chance to enjoy the fireworks without having a stressed out dog on a leash.

About the Author Sampson Pet Care

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